Supplement on Bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Decolonizing Water co-lead Deborah McGregor is a co-editor on a recent publication titled, Supplement on Bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Chapters also include Decolonizing Water’s Susan Bell Chiblow.


Indigenous peoples were caretakers of the Great Lakes for thousands of years prior to colonization. Since colonization, mainstream approaches to ecosystem stewardship have been principally informed and guided by non-Indigenous science, to the exclusion of Indigenous ways of knowing, doing, and being. This collection of articles provides diverse perspectives on how and why Indigenous values and perspectives create space for synergistic relationships to develop across various scales. Here, articles showcase partnerships that co-produce knowledge between Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, knowledge-holders, and communities. These varied examples demonstrate that equitably and ethically applied Indigenous ecological knowledge balances and supports sustainable ecosystem stewardship for the benefit of all. We intend this special section on bridging knowledge systems will further relationship building and hopefully help build trust between science practitioners (Western and Indigenous) and among communities to inform the implementation of wise practices, to overcome barriers, and to inspire and prioritize new and strengthen existing partnerships for the health and sustainability of the world’s great lakes. Publication of this supplement is sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Edited by Erin S. Dunlop, Catherine M. Febria, William P. Mattes, Deborah McGregor, Andrew M. MuirVolume 49, Supplement 1,

Pages S1-S172 (June 2023)