If you want to get involved, we have multiple work, study and collaboration opportunities.
Study With Us
We have a number of funded undergraduate research assistantships, graduate studentships, post-docs and internships available with us and our partner organizations.
Work With Us
Scholars and community-based researchers interested in pursuing research that aligns with the mission of our project can engage with us as part of our team. This mechanism provides mid- to late-career researchers and professionals with the opportunity to work with our team for a short time. It is intended for researchers who have defined a specific project to work on in collaboration with our team. If you are interested in engaging with us, please reach out to one of our co-leads or team members.
We are excited about new collaborations. It will take a large community to effect the fundamental shift in decision-making that we seek. There is a broad spectrum of potential involvement with our project.
If you have a research project in mind, please reach out to us. We can discuss the project and resources that might be available to assist with community-engaged decolonizing water research.