Pathways to Truth and Reconciliation eds. by Aimée Craft and Paulette Regan, University of Manitoba Press, 2020, 352 pages.
“In Our Backyard” – The Legacy of Hydroelectric Development in Northern Manitoba: The Keeyask Experience eds. by Aimée Craft and Jill Blakley, University of Manitoba Press,2022, 440 pp
Treaty Words: For as Long As the Rivers Flow, Annick Press, 2021.
Craft, A. (2016). Giving and receiving life from Anishinaabe nibi inaakonigewin (our water law) research. In J. Thorpe, S. Rutherford & L.A. Sandberg (Eds.), Methodological challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research (pp. 125-139). London, UK:...
Boelens, R., Perreault, T., Vos, J., & Vos, J. (Eds.). (2018). Water Justice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Abstract: Water justice is becoming an ever- more pressing issue in times of increasing water- based inequalities and discrimination....