Pathways to Truth and Reconciliation eds. by Aimée Craft and Paulette Regan, University of Manitoba Press, 2020, 352 pages.

“In Our Backyard” – The Legacy of Hydroelectric Development in Northern Manitoba: The Keeyask Experience eds. by Aimée Craft and Jill Blakley, University of Manitoba Press,2022, 440 pp

Treaty Words: For as Long As the Rivers Flow, Annick Press, 2021.

Book Chapters

Craft, A. (2016). Giving and receiving life from Anishinaabe nibi inaakonigewin (our water law) research. In J. Thorpe, S. Rutherford & L.A. Sandberg (Eds.), Methodological challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research (pp. 125-139). London, UK:...

Water Justice

Boelens, R., Perreault, T., Vos, J., & Vos, J. (Eds.). (2018). Water Justice. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Abstract: Water justice is becoming an ever- more pressing issue in times of increasing water- based inequalities and discrimination....