This article explores Indigenous knowledge on N’bi. It examines differing worldviews and discusses what Indigenous knowledge is and how Indigenous Peoples have been sharing their knowledge. This article discusses Anishinaabek approaches to N’bi and...
Decolonizing Water co-lead Deborah McGregor is a co-editor on a recent publication titled, Supplement on Bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Chapters also include Decolonizing Water’s Susan Bell Chiblow.Abstract: Indigenous peoples were...
Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Peoples (Canada: Report of the Special Rapporteuron the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to the General Assembly, 2021), 10 pp.
Fletcher unpacks Indian-hating with the help of Anishinaabe stories and method [submitted to Transmotion, 7 November, 2021].
An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Children, Youth and Families, Does Bill C-92 Make the Grade? (Toronto: Yellowhead Institute, 2019),21 pp